
Reset's website is a portal of change.
If change scares you, Reset could help you modify that, if desired, and we recommend reading the process of change.
If change is definitely not what you are looking for - thanks for stopping by.

Reset works with your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual self to provide holistic change, a service for you to be the best person or business you can be... not in our opinion or view of the world, but yours!

Reset - to clear any pending errors or events in your life and bring a system to normal condition or initial state of peace calmness, tranquility.

Reset aims to help you remove the obstacles in your path, accelerating your human potential, or uncovering the blockages preventing your change. Whether it be for health, business, pleasure or leisure, Reset can be there to help. If you are ready for change, contact us today.

If your computer, television, cell phone is not working correctly, what can you do? Press Reset! If your mind, body, health, business is not working correctly, what can you do? Choose Reset!

Our services:

The Matrix: is a group introduction to change, peering through the veils of time and embedded with gems of love and wisdom

Gordian gardening: is a personal session digging the garden of your life to get to the roots of your problem in the shortest time

Zircon choice: is a group session for change on a common topic

Metamorphosis: is a transformative group retreat for remarkable change

Zulu-natal: is a group retreat removing the artificial fly, resetting back to birth

Mana: is a powerful group retreat for spiritual advancement.

If you dont eat food, you may live a month, even a year or more for others. (yes it varies a lot)

If you dont drink water, you may live a week.

If you didnt breath, you may last 9 minutes or so. David Blaine held the world record at 17 minutes 4.4 seconds(after a period on pure oxygen)

If you dont have any Energy flowing in your body, your body wouldn't exist, your nerves couldn't fire, your body wouldn't move. (except when decomposing)

With Energy being the most important factor in 'life' ReSet is involved with Energy psychology, and more specifically removing the blockages from the energy fields in order to achieve optimum health, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Hence, remove the blockages in the energy system = ReSet, to what it used to be.

ReSet, it about accelerating human potential.



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