2010....thats a three in numerology (2+0+1+0=3) and Reset is calling it the year of love.
This is an excerpt from Kryon...
"The number three in numerology represents the catalyst. A catalyst is an energy that provides the push for transformation of one energy to another, yet never changes itself. Again, number three, the Cosmic Law of Kryon: You are dearly loved."
Reset is holding another retreat, the first one in three years, and we are going to call this one Catalyst.
This is an eight night fully catered live in retreat nestled in Native bush in the heart of New Zealand. A retreat where you learn more about you, where you uncover the blocks which have previously been holding you back. Included in the fees are all meals, snacks, accommodation, teachings, information, tools and skills.

Are you ready?

Reset is ready, we have been prompted, nagged, asked nicely, and all the time being dearly loved. Now is the time.
Are you ready for change?
The choice is yours. Are you ready to lead the way?
Are you ready to be Loved?
Can you handle it? We have all been looking for love for so long, and often disapointed with the results we keep getting. It is time now to learn... It is time now to remember... It is time now to change... to be the change you wish to see in the world. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
I'm so excited.
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